How do I use Vibe Board?

Reserve Vibe Board Here :  Vibe Board Reservation

View In Library Catalog: Vibe Board Productivity Kit

*  Vibe Board Productivity kit check out required with Vibe Board Reservation.  To check out the kit, please visit the second floor innovation lab desk at your appointment time and ask to check out the kit.  If you wish to use the Vibe board after 6pm or on Weekends, please visit the first floor circulation desk to request and check out a kit.


Turn On Vibe Board

To turn on the Vibe Board, press the power button located in the back right corner of the board.

After, tap the screen to open the application list.

Application List

  • Drive

  • Earth

  • Docs

  • Sheets

  • Slides

  • Classroom

  • Meet     


  • PowerPoint

  • Office

  • Teams

  • Excel

  • Word

Chromium Browser


Vibe Canvas

Adobe Acrobat


Meriam Library

Vibe Cast

You can cast a device onto the Vibe Board by tapping the Vibe Cast button on the home page.

First, hit the home button on the bottom of the Vibe Board Screen.

Then tap the Vibe Cast button on the right to open the device instructions.

Tap the device list on the top to switch instructions to the specific device that you want to connect.

Follow the instructions to connect the device to the Vibe Board. 

Exporting Vibe Canvas

To Export the work you did in On the Vibe Canvas fallow these steps ;

1, While in the Vibe Canvas  click the  down arrow  next to the sign in button in the upper left-hand corner of the  of  screen. This will bring up a menu.

2. In this menu click export to email.

3. This will popup up asking you to input your email address.  Enter your email address and click done , It will then send you  email with a link download you Vibe Canvas input as a PDF.


If you wish to keep the work you did on the Vibe Canvas  Please remember to fallow these instruction to export before ending you session. End your session will  erases all content  on Vibe Canvas.




Ending your Session

When you are done using the Vibe board please do not forget to end your session.  Ending the the session will sign you out of any apps or websites  you signed into, clear the vibe canvas and delete any downloaded content. To end a session fallow these steps 

1. Click the End button in the lower right corner . It is located. on the taskbar. 

2. After click the end season button a conformation box  click  End and Erase button to complete  the ending of your session

 Please Note that if you leave the Vibe board ideal for more then 30 minutes you season will automatically be ended. 



  • Last Updated Nov 16, 2023
  • Views 145
  • Answered By Collin Miller

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